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Rhinoplasty General Information

Procedure description:

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that modifies the nasal structure for aesthetic and/or functional objectives. Every rhinoplasty is different and unique, we evaluate each particular case to determine the type of surgery you need, the details of which are explained during the consultation.

In general, rhinoplasty can be classified into:

Primary Rhinoplasty: It is the operation that is performed for the first time on the nose to modify the bones and cartilage of the nasal skeleton, which on its surface will show us a modified nose. The changes can be subtle or dramatic, depending on the needs of each patient. It is essential to establish realistic expectations according to each person's anatomy to achieve high postoperative satisfaction. The success rate in expert hands is 95%, there may be variability in the results due to the anatomical factor of each particular patient, mainly due to weakness of their cartilage, thickness of their skin and congenital facial asymmetries.

Primary Rhinoplasty with a history of injection of Filler Substances: The best known filler substances are Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and Methacrylate. Patients with this history have a greater possibility of inadequate healing due to the alteration that these substances cause in the tissues. It is appropriate to wait one year after the application of HA or apply Hyaluronidase with the intention that the material is absorbed in its highest percentage before operating. Methacrylate is a harmful non-absorbable material, it is entered into the operating room without waiting, this material is usually impregnated in multiple layers and migrates to various places, its complete removal is not usually possible, there will be safety margins when removing the maximum possible material.

Secondary Rhinoplasty: It is the name for a second operation performed on the nose, it is also known as revision rhinoplasty. This surgery is more complex than a primary rhinoplasty, due to the alteration of the nasal anatomical structures due to the previous surgery and the presence of scars. Additional cartilage is often needed for reconstruction of the nasal skeleton, which is harvested from the patient's own costal or auricular cartilage. Sometimes, additional revision beyond a secondary operation may be required due to the complexity of the case. In general we can talk about an 80% success rate. It is important to know that the inflammation is greater in this type of case compared to a primary rhinoplasty, so the result of the surgery is evaluated one year after the operation.

Technical details: The work team led by Dr. Miguel Davila Plastic Surgeon is dedicated to the specialized care of the nasal patient. The surgery is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia, following modern concepts of preservation, structuring and ultrasound rhinoplasty according to the case.

Handling in case of revision: Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, has a success rate and a small possibility of revision. Our commitment to our patients includes offering them the possibility of a review, if necessary, without fees from the medical team. In these cases, the patient assumes the basic operating room expenses, because it is considered a possible event of surgery.

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Jr. Cruz del Sur 140, Time Surco Building, Office 408, Santiago de Surco, Lima Peru

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